Note: Many of my clients are scholars and historians seeking specific information related to their research. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book.
Historical Matter Discussed in this Work (General/Partial Only, Please See Full Contents in Main Description Below): Wild Old West Frontier Pioneer Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show Western Plains Prairie Wilderness Desert Indians Indian Wars Native American Folk Heroes Buffalo Bill William F. Cody Biograph Autobiography Daniel Boone Davy Crockett Kit Carson Wagon Trains Buffalo Hunts Pony Express The Alamo Sitting Bull Geronimo General George Armstrong Custer Massacre Kentucky Boonesborough Fort Settlement Shawanese Harrodsburg Bryan's Station Lexington Simon Kenton Girty Atrocities Ballard Family Massacre Flat-boat Emigration Colonel Crawford Burned at Stake Davy Crockett Battle of Talladega General Andrew Jackson Bear Hunt Texas Independence Alamo Texans Mexicans Massacre Garrison Kit Carson Missouri Trappers Grizzly Bear Duel Starvation John Fremont Expedition Scout Guide General Kearney California Digger Indians Indian Outrages Murder Attacking Indians Depredations Mescaleros Mexican Traders Navajo Indians Neetmok Canon de Chelly Reservation System Kiowa Indians Kansas Slave State Great Overland Freighters Salt Lake Buffalo Stampede Mormons Pony Express Rider Overland Road Attack on a Stage Coach Bushwhacking Wild Bill Hickok Soldier Jayhawkers Chief Satanta War-Path General Sheridan Chief of Scouts Colored Troops Horse Thieves Pawnee Indians Sioux Indians Buckskin Joe Chief Tall Bull Ned Buntline Horse Racing Powder-Face Camp-fire Chats Hunting with Grand Duke Alexis Custer Massacre Black Hills Sioux War Troops General Crook Sitting Bull Yellow Hand First Scalp for Custer Steamboat Bad Lands Wild West Show Nate Salsbury the Mississippi New Orleans Cumberland Gap Battle at Point Pleasant Kentucky Militia Battle on Licking River Fight at Blue Licks Crossing Squaws Scalp Dance Trapper's Camp Indian Medicine Dance Chief Rain-in-the-Face Dave Tutt Wild Bill Torture Dance. CUSTER'S LAST STAND AT LITTLE BIG HORN. STORY OF THE WILD WEST AND CAMP-FIRE CHATS.
A Full and Complete History of the Renowned Pioneer Quartette, Boone, Crockett, Carson and Buffalo Bill. Replete with descriptions of Wild Life and Thrilling Adventures by Famous Heroes of the Frontier. A Record of Exciting Events on the Western Borders Pushed Westward to the Sea: Massacres, Desperate Battles, Extraordinary Bravery, Marvelous Fortitude, Astounding Heroism, Grand Hunts, Savage Encounters, Adventures by Flood and Field, Rollicking Anecdotes, Tales of Sorrow, Droll Stories, Curious Escapades, and a Melange of Incidents that make up the Melodrama of Civilization in its March Over Mountains and Prairies to the Pacific.
Including a Description of Buffalo Bill's Conquests in England With His Wild West Exhibition, Where Royalty from all the European Nations Paid Him a Generous Homage and Made His Wonderful Show the Greatest Success of Modern Times. Superbly Illustrated with 250 Original Illustrations Made Especially for the Book. Published in 1888 by B.
9" x 6" tooled leather binding. Profusely illustrated with 250 text illustrations. Exterior as shown in photo. Obviously this book has been rebacked (that is, had its spine covering replaced). While whomever performed the work did not have a lot of expertise, the repair is effective. The covers are firmly attached.First few pages are a bit worn and toned, otherwise pages are clean and complete. No torn, loose or missing pages. Reliable example of this richly illustrated chronicle of the Old West, written by the most famous Western legend who ever lived, Buffalo Bill Cody. Note on Rarity and Value: This is the very rare 1888 deluxe leather edition of THE STORY OF THE WILD WEST AND CAMP-FIRE CHATS. In terms of condition, the book I'm offering here today is a couple grades below than the previous, and has been priced accordingly.
THE STORY OF THE WILD WEST AND CAMP-FIRE CHATS chronicles the lives, exploits, triumphs and misfortunes of four of the greatest western heroes America will ever know: Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Kit Carson and Buffalo Bill. Even better, the stories of these larger-than-life western icons are presented and personally recounted by the last and most famous hero of them all - William F. The lives of the "Renowned Pioneer Quartette" (as Cody billed them) is the story of the great American frontier. These western adventurers were actors upon a stage that included wilderness, plain and open desert. They figured prominently in all the exciting episodes of the western theater - the wagon trains, buffalo hunts, Indian wars, the Pony Express, the Alamo and more. This is a firsthand record of their lives and their times, written by one who was there and who later brought these stories to the world's attention as part of his "Wild West" extravaganza. This volume is rich with historic detail.Its pages are populated by the pioneers, soldiers and Indian warriors of the Old West. Along the way you'll find accounts of the great Indian chiefs Sitting Bull and Geronimo (Sitting Bull later starred in Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" show). General George Armstrong Custer and a very descriptive Report of the Custer Massacre. Likewise a detailed account of Crockett's demise at the Alamo.
You'll also find tales of Indian fighting, Indian attacks and other "atrocities perpetrated by the Indians" against pioneer settlers. Cody knew these bloodcurdling real-life stories intimately, both from personal experience and as told to him by white men and Indians alike. This rare antique book is 766 pages long and it is absolutely LOADED with information.
In addition to "The Autobiography of Buffalo Bill, " Cody devotes an entire section of the book to "The Wild West in England, " a full and colorful account of his international "Wild West" tour through England and Italy. The massive text of this book is complemented by an equally large helping of illustrations - 250 in all, depicting many harrowing scenes of Western action and adventure, important landmarks, and more. At the front of the book is a full-color plate frontispiece entitled Buffalo Bill to the Rescue. In order to give you the most accurate description of this rare 137-year-old western treasure, I have furnished some helpful details below, starting with a pretty thorough summary of the book's contents. Next, a summary of the illustrations.
Further down the page, you can even see some of these illustrations for yourself. I hope you'll take a moment to have a look. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GRAB A PIECE OF THE WILD WEST FOR YOUR VERY OWN... THE LIFE OF DANIEL BOONE.
CHAPTER ONE: America in the Early Days Contact of the White and Red Races How the Pioneer Developed into a Hero Birth of Daniel Boone The Ancestors of Boone Daniel's First Adventure Becomes a Hunter at an Early Age Seeks a Hiding place on the Schuylkill Boone Plays a Joke on His Bibulous Teacher Removal of the Boone Family to North Carolina The Cherokee War. CHAPTER TWO: Explorations in the West A History of the First Expeditions Dispute as to when Boone first Visited Kentucky The Record Found on a Tree Boone's Autobiography The Happy Hunting Grounds of Kentucky Finley the Earliest Visitor to Kentucky Boone and Companions Seek the Far West The Dark and Bloody Ground Why so Called Capture of Boone by Indians A Wonderful Escape Boone's Companions Mysteriously Missing The Burned Cabin. CHAPTER THREE: Alone in the Wilderness Death of Stuart at the Hands of Indians Boone Left Alone The Fate of His Companions Return of Boone's Brother with Glad Tidings.CHAPTER FOUR: Boone's Family Removes to Kentucky Attack of the Indians Earliest Efforts at Settlement War against the Shawanese Battle of Pleasant Point Another Exploration of Kentucky Building of Boonesborough Fort. CHAPTER FIVE: Description of Boonesborough Settlement at Harrodsburg Founding of Bryan's Station Founding of Lexington Capture of Three White Girls by Indians Pursuit of the Captors Attack on the Indians Rescue of the Girls. CHAPTER SIX: Troubles Begin to Multiply Annoyed by the Indians Alarm of the Settlers Attack on Boonesborough Errors in Boone's Autobiography. CHAPTER SEVEN: Boone again Made Prisoner by the Indians Is Adopted by the Shawanese Wonderful Escape of Boone A Brush with the Indians Siege of Boonesborough. CHAPTER EIGHT: Boone is Ambushed and Robbed Reflections on His Honesty Killing- of Boone's Brother Rescue of Boone by Kenton Siege of Bryan's Station The Brave Water Carriers Bringing on the Engagement Ambush of a Relief Party Girty Compelled to Retreat.
CHAPTER NINE: Pursuit of the Indians A Critical Situation Boone's Counsel Disregarded The Attack The Slaughter Boone's Report of the Battle. CHAPTER TEN: A Retaliatory Expedition Atrocities Perpetrated by the Indians Major Ballard's Great Fight Massacre of the Ballard Family A Battle Commemorated by the Kentucky Legislature A Negro Defends a Family Heroism of a Wo- man Flat-boat Emigration Massacre of a Family and Capture of Two Girls Pursuit of the Savages Rescue of the Girls Slaughter of the Indians First Marriage in Cincinnati The Ill-fated Crawford Expedition A Disastrous Re- treat Burning of Col. Crawford Death of Simon Girty. CHAPTER ELEVEN: Cessation of Hostility and a Period of Prosperity Boone Engages in Agricultural Pursuits Boone Discomfits Four Indians Another Threatened Invasion Trouble with the Indians Renewed Attack on a Settler's Cabin A Horrible Story of a Massacre Killing of the Captive Girl Capture of Simon Kenton and His Punishment A Mazeppa Ride A Treaty of Peace that Brought No Relief. CHAPTER TWELVE: Last Days of Boone He is Impoverished and Removes to Virginia Offers of Assistance from the Spanish His Removal to Missouri Acquiring Lands in the West Boone's Autograph Letter The Troubles that Beset Him His Petitions to Congress Restrictions on Religious Worship Attack on the Post of St. Louis Church Services in the Early Days How Boone Paid His Debts Death of His Wife How He Passed His Latter Days Boone Marks the Site for His Grave Painting of Boone's Portrait Death of Boone Public Services over His Remains The Remains Honored by Kentucky Impressive Services Twenty-five Years after His Death The Body Removed to Kentucky. CHAPTER ONE: A Unique Character in American History Murder of Crockett's Grandparents by Indians Young Crockett's Exploit at School Runs Away from Home Davy Earns His Freedom Disappointment in Love-making Courting under Difficulties Result of a Wolf Drive Married at Last. CHAPTER TWO: The Creek War Attack on Fort Mimms The Massacre Crockett Enlists as a Volunteer Crockett in Peril A Dangerous Reconnoiter Crockett Becomes Hunter for the Army Crockett's First Battle A Terrible Slaughter The Battle of Talladega Dreadful Slaughter of the Indians Gen. Jackson has Reasons for Swearing. CHAPTER THREE: Resumption of Hostilities A Ground Hog Case A Big Climb for a Little Squirrel Decapitating Two Indians Outrages by Indians Murder of an Irish Family Jackson Makes a Treaty with the Indians. CHAPTER FIVE: Crockett's Great Beat Hunts Attacked by a Wounded Bear "I Got Back in all Sorts of a Hurry" Again a Candidate The Bear Hunter to the Front The Man from the Cave Again Elected Becomes a Candidate for Congress His Opposition to Jackson An Extraordinary Bear Hunt Several Thrilling Incidents A Curious Habit of Bears Look out for the Bears A Rough and Tumble Fight Crockett Beards a Bear in its Den A Funny Exercise to Keep Warm An Earthquake Wonderful Result of the Hunt One Hundred and Five Bears Killed. CHAPTER SIX: Crockett's Disastrous Flat-boat Experience Effect of His Defeat for Congress Afloat on the Mississippi A Hair-Breadth Escape Crockett Elected to Congress Joke of the Guinea-Hens Crockett's Dinner with President Adams A Cruel Story at Crockett's Expense Bring Back the Goose Crockett Re-elected to Congress His Opposition to Jackson. CHAPTER SEVEN: Grand Ovations Tendered Crockett A Tour of the Eastern Cities Crockett's First Visit to a Big City Some Droll Observations His Idea of Railroad Travel Crockett at the Theatre Too Many Short Skirts and not Enough Plain Music Temptation of Mint Employes Crockett in New York His Trip to Boston and Lowell Presented with a Rifle by Philadelphians Crockett's Story of How He Got Out of a Quandary Banquets and Speeches at Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Louisville.CHAPTER EIGHT: Crockett Again on the Stump His Great Coon-skin Trick Bushwacking for Votes Crockett Overwhelmed by his Defeat A Pathetic Poem. CHAPTER NINE: Crockett Enters the War for Texas Independence A Punch and Judy Exhibition in Little Rock An Arkansas Traveller A Moralizing Tract Peddler A Laughable Situation Crockett Banqueted An Arkansas Orchestra Crockett Again Meets the Fiddling Parson Fiddling to the Fishes A Stag Dance in the Wilderness Some Religious Reflections Crockett Exposes the Gambler Drinks All Around The Juggler Follows Crockett to Texas The Bee Hunter A Fight in the Streets Cooling His Vociferous Ardor.
CHAPTER TEN: En route for the Alamo Through Haunts of the Wolf and Bear A Sweet Singer's Lays to his Lady Love Meeting with a Pirate " I Think You Had Better Take some Supper with Us" A Hurricane of Buffaloes In Pursuit of the Game Lost on the Prairie A Fight with a Mexican Lion An Adventure with Comanche Indians The Juggler Taken by Surprise A Fight with Mexicans. CHAPTER ELEVEN: At the Alamo A Convivial Party Brave Defenders of the Alamo Description of the Alamo Massacre of a Squad of Texans Besieged by the Mexicans Resolved to Die Like Brave Men Attack on the Alamo Crockett's Great Shot Capture of the Alamo Massacre of the Garrison Heroic Death of Crockett Mutilation of the Dead Bodies Story of a Mexican Fifer Horrible Torture of Col. CHAPTER TWELVE: How the News Was Brought to the States Copy of the First Dispatch Greeley's Eulogy on Crockett Character of Crockett Compared with Other Great Men.
CHAPTER ONE: Heroes that Prepared the Way for Western Settlement A Tribute to the Unremembered Early Life of Carson Anomalous Character of Carson Missouri in the Early Days Kit Bound to Service as a Saddler Carson Amputates the Arm of a Wounded Comrade Acquires the Mexican Language Becomes Interpreter to a Rich Merchant Joins a Band of Trappers His First Fight with Indians Nearing Death's Door Robbed by Indians Carson Pursues the Thieves A Charge into the Indian Camp Carson Forced to Flee from Santa Fe On Another Trapping Expedition A Fight with Indians Pursued by Crow Indians Wounded. CHAPTER TWO: A Rash Undertaking Killing an Indian at Long Range Thrilling Adventures with a Grizzly Bear Carson Wounded While Saving a Friend Carson's Duel with a Frenchman At the Point of Starvation Extraordinary Bravery of Carson in Saving a Comrade Carson's Terrible Fight with a Mountain Lion Carson's Marriage to an Indian Girl. CHAPTER THREE: Carson Engaged to Guide Fremont's Expedition An Exciting Buffalo Hunt Pursued by a Buffalo Guide to Fremont's Second Expedition Privations on the March A Thrilling Incident on the Return Trip Attack on the Indians A Horrible Sight.CHAPTER FOUR: The War in California Carson Again Joins Fremont A Fierce Battle with Indians Carson as Dispatch Bearer Massacre by the Indians and Carson's Narrow Escape Carson's Revenge Carson's Duel with an Indian Hostilities Begun with the Mexicans The Bear Flag Raised. CHAPTER FIVE: Carson's Service as a Scout and Guide Meeting with Gen.
Kearney Returning to California A Terrible Situation Carson Saves the Command Capture of Los Angeles Surrender of the Mexican Forces Fremont's Wild Cohort Their Appearance Described by an Englishman. CHAPTER SIX: Carson's Fourth Overland Journey The Mexican Cabelledo Precautions Used in Passing through a Hostile Country The Journey of Death An Alarm in Camp Disgusting Habits of Digger Indians A Frightful Spectacle Wonderful Heroism of Carson and Godey Doherty's description Bleaching Bones of a Murdered Party Wreck of the Raft Carson Proceeds to Washington Is Lionized by St. Louisians Grand Reception in Washington. CHAPTER SEVEN: Carson again Called into Action Founding a Town Indian Outrages Murder of a Merchant's Family Carson Heading a Pursuing Party Attacking the Indians A Marvellous Escape Another Fight with Indians Carson again Resumes Trapping Drives a Herd of Sheep to California Old Friendships Renewed.
CHAPTER EIGHT: Carson's Career as an Indian Fighter Entrusted with an Important Command Indian Depredations Battle with the' Mescaleros A Wholesale Slaughter of Mexican Traders by Indians Expedition against the Navajoes The Impregnable Canyon de Chelly Carson the First to Accomplish its Passage A Wonderful Campaign Carson Especially Complimented Submission of the Navajoes Carson Recommends the Reservation System Neetmok's war cry War with the Kiowas Carson Brings the Great Tribes into Council The Last Days of Carson His Character as a Pioneer. CHAPTER ONE: Incidents of My Childhood Iowa in the Early Days Removed to Kansas Boyhood Experiences in Kansas A Barbecue to the Indians The Tide of immigration Warfare on the Border The Stabbing of My Father Father's Escape from a Mob Renewed Efforts to Kill Father Efforts to Make Kansas a Slave State My Engagement with the Great Overland Freighters A Mob Outwitted by My Mother Another Attempt on Father's Life. CHAPTER TWO: My First Love Affair A Bloody Affray at School Pursued by the Wounded Boy's Father In Service on the Plains My First Fight with Indians How I Killed My First Indian A Feeling of Relief On the Road to Salt Lake Description of a Bull Outfit The Trail A Buffalo Stampede Captured by Danites Burning of the Train by Mormons On the Point of Starvation Attacked by Indians A Timely Rescue Engage in Trapping A Horrible Discovery Off for Pike's Peak Engagement as Pony Express Rider. CHAPTER THREE: Accidents and Escapes Trapping on the Republican I Break My Leg My Partner Goes in Search of Help A Desperate Situation Objectionable Company Indians Take Possession of My Dug-out Return of Harrington A Joyous Meeting Our Return Home Death of Brave Harrington.CHAPTER FOUR: Adventures on the Overland Road A Pony Express Rider Again Pursued by Indians Attack on a Stage Coach A Charge through the Indian Camp A General Drunk but Only One Murder A Hunt for Bear A Robber's Haunt Discovered In a Tight Place Killing One of the Robbers My Escape A Newly-Made Brave. CHAPTER FIVE: An Inglorious Service --Bushwhacking in Missouri A Meeting with Wild Bill Busted at a Horse-race A Duel in the Street. CHAPTER SIX: How I Became a Soldier With the Jayhawkers A Singular Meeting with Wild Bill Acting as a Spy A Pleasant Little Episode A Wonderful Escape. CHAPTER SEVEN: Courtship and Marriage My Bridal Trip Taken for a Desperado A Party of our Own A Close Call Keeping an Hotel Acting as a Guide to Custer A Fight with the Indians A Cholera Outbreak.
CHAPTER EIGHT: A Millionaire in Prospective A Howl from Rome A Gentleman that Just Dropped In Contractor on the K. A Little Sport with the Hostiles Brigham to the Front A Pretty Buffalo Drive A Big Surprise for the Officers In Pursuit of Indians An Excited Colored Gentleman How I Received the Title "Buffalo Bill, " A Race for My Scalp A Great Shot Sauce for the Gander Run to Cover by Indians Sending up a Signal for Help. CHAPTER NINE: Champion Buffalo Killer A Match with Comstock A Dash into the Herd: an Exhibition for the Ladies Riding a Naked Horse into the Herd Tragic Death of Comstock Brigham and I Part Company A Trick of Brigham's. CHAPTER TEN: Acting as Special Scout Captured by Indians A Clever Ruse Secures My Escape Stretching My Mule Ambushing the Pursuers Chief Satanta Threatens the Post Going on the War-Path Dispatch Bearer Off in the Dark Stumbling onto a Hornet's Nest An Interview with Sheridan A Long Ride A Dangerous Undertaking A Provoking Mule Getting Satisfaction. CHAPTER ELEVEN: My Appointment as Chief of Scouts Running into a Band of Indians Bringing Live Buffaloes into Camp A Scared Irishman A Lively Shaking Up In Search of Indians A Crack Shot On the Trail Out in a Dry Country Surprised by Indians.
CHAPTER TWELVE: A Hard Winter's Campaign A Rough March Making a Break Down a Canyon A Turkey Hunt with Clubs Rescue of a Starving Command Intercepting a Beer Train A Free Fight among the Scouts. CHAPTER FOURTEEN: A Military Expedition Mixed on the Expenditures A Big Indian Trail Attack on the Courier A Lieutenant in Sharp Quarters Driving the Enemy before Us Re-enforced by Pawnee Scouts A Comical Sight Battle between Sioux and Pawnees Buckskin Joe The Indians Think Better of Me. CHAPTER FIFTEEN: A Desperate Fight A Charge through the Indian Village Coralled by Indians Killing of the Chief Tall Bull Meeting with Ned Buntline Horse Racing in the Hostile Country The Trick of Powder-Face An Interesting Indian Tradition. CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Some Pleasing Novelties In Pursuit of Indian Horse Thieves Two Indians Bagged at a Single Shot A Tough Officer Pawnee Indians on Guard Duty A Red Hot Situation Appointed Justice of the Peace A Peculiar Writ of Replevin Performing a Marriage Ceremony A Run for Our Lives. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Entertaining a Distinguished Party Putting on a Little Style for the Occasion An Attack on the Buffaloes An Accident to Leonard Jerome Charged with a Heinotis Offense Still Pursuing the Enemy Camp-fire Chats A Little Joke on McCarthy Remains of the abcxs Murdered Buck Party Hunting with Grand Duke Alexis A Visit to Spotted Tail They Wanted to Lift My Hair Giving Duke Alexis the Cue Killing his First Buffalo Giving the Duke a Shaking Up Some Presents from the Duke.
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Scouting in a Swallow-tail Outfit A Great Trip East Banqueted at Chicago A Gnest of the Union Club, New York A Masquerade Ball A Fellow that Looked Like Me My Embarrassment at the Theatre My First Appearance on the Stage Return to the West CHAPTER NINETEEN: Again on the Indian Trail A Charge on the Indians A Sharp Fight Wounded Hunting with an Earl A Party that Milligan Refused to Attend Roping a Buffalo Elected to the Legislature. CHAPTER TWENTY: An Actor Studying the Parts Now, Here's a How D'do Buntline's Versatility The Tide Taken at the Flood A Little Funny Business Criticisms of the Press Lively Experience of Wild Bill A Hunt with Mr. Medley Guide to the Third Cavalry On the Road Again Death of My Little Boy. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: Scouting with the Fifth Calvary Indian Depredations Report of the Custer Massacre Causes Leading Thereto Custer's Reports Miners in the Black Hills Indians Supplied with Ammunition by the Government War Declared against the Sioux Movement of Troops Crook Attacked by Sitting Bull Custer Selected to Strike the Blow Custer Strikes the Indians Hoping Against Hope The Massacre After the Murderers of Custer A Challenge My Duel with Yellow Hand A Moment of Great Danger The First Scalp for Custer Again in Pursuit of the Sioux A Little Dust Causes an Excitement Again on the Trail.
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Dangerous Work Scouting on a Steamboat A Ride through the Bad Lands A Terrible Journey Lying Low Return to the Mimic Stage On a Round-up Putting Real Indians on the Stage. THE WILD WEST IN ENGLAND: An Ambitious Enterprise Opening of the Wild West Show Nate Salsbury Joins Me as a Partner A Sketch of Salsbury's Active Life A Bigger Show Put on the Road The Show Dumped into the Mississippi Our Losses in New Orleans A Season in New York A Hazardous Undertaking Seeking New Worlds to Conquer We Sail for England The Indians' Fears Are Excited A Sea-sick Troupe Off Gravesend An Enthusiastic Welcome to England Some Anxious Reflections First Impressions of London Preparing the Exhibition Grounds Scenes on the Strand Steaming up the Thames Establishing our Camp Queer Scenes The Starry Flag Raised in England American Methods Excite Surprise Henry Irving's generous Praise A Wild West Performance Described Helpful Influence from Distinguished Persons Enthusiastic and Numerous Social Courtesies Entertained by the Greatest of London How the Press Treated Me The Poetic Muse Honors Me The Coming Centaur Visit of Mr. Gladstone A Private Performance in His Honor His Complimentary Speech A Hard Worked Lion of the Season The Grand Dinner Given Me Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales A Private Entertainment for His Royal Highness The Many Royal Persons Present Their Unqualified Praise Bestowed Immense Excitement Created in London Our First Public Performance The Wild West Show Interest Without Bloody Accessories Visit of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria Etiquette of Invitation Her Majesty Salutes the American Flag Presented to the Queen Expressions of Her Queenly Favor Statesmen at the Wild West A Ribroast Breakfast to Gen. "Buffalo Bill to the Rescue" (colored frontispiece) Portrait of Daniel Boone Boone's First Dangerous Adventure Westward, the March of Civilization Perils of Early Settlement in the West Finley in the Far West Capture of Boone and Stuart Escape of Boone and Death of Stuart Glad Meeting of Boone and His Brother The Attack at Cumberland Gap Battle at Point Pleasant Perils Encountered By Settlers of Kentucky First house: in Lexington Capture of Miss Boone and the Misses Callaway Rescue of the Captive Girls Harassment of Early Settlers Battle of Boonesborough Boone's Adoption by the Shawanese Advance of the Indians Investment of Boonesborough Attack on the Emigrants Killing of Boone's Brother Rendezvous of the Kentucky Militia Simon Kenton Kenton's Heroic Rescue of Boone Present Site of Bryan's Station Defense of Bryan's Station Arrival of Re-enforcements The Battle on Licking River The Fight at Blue Licks Crossing Boone Fighting over the Body of His Son Scene of the Massacre Bloody Work of Squaws Invasion of the Peaceful Home Heroic Death of Mr. Ballard A Brave Woman's Defense of Her Home Flat Boat Emigration An Incident of the Bloody Year, 1782 The Savage Captors in Council Crawford's Fight with the Wyandottes Horrible Punishment of Col.
Crawford Bold Stratagem of Boone Indians Running off Stock Death of Col. Christian Attack on the Emigrants Attack on the Cabin Capture of the Rankin Girl Murder of the Young Girl Kenton Passing the Gauntlet Girty, the Renegade Sample of Shawanese Atrocity On the Happy Hunting Grounds Boone's Autograph Letter Attack on the Post of St. Louis Boone Beating off the Indians House in which Boone Died Boone's Monument at Frankfort Davy Crockett Davy as a Drover Boy The Wolf Hunters Old Fort Mimms Spreading News of the The Scalp Dance Battle of Talladega A Creek Feast A Ground-hog Case Enforcing Orders of the Court Breaking a Way through Ice "I Got Back in a Hurry" An Exciting Battle Too Much for the Crowd A Fight at Close Quarters Escape by Hide and Hair Crockett on the Stump Calling for His Goose Hell in Harness Here is the Family Crockett's Reception at Louisville A Characteristic Canvass The Embarrassed Philanthropist The Fiddling Parson Crockett Discomfits the Gambler Cooling off a Boaster A Hurricane of Buffaloes Lost on the Prairie Fight with a Mexican Lion The Buffalo Chase Battle with Mexican Bandits Assault on the Alamo Heroic Death of Crockett Monument to the Heroes Kit Carson Reconnoitering the Indians' Position Storming the Camp Killing an Indian Thief Adventure with a Grizzly Wounded while Saving a Friend Carson's Duel with a Frenchman Carson's Wondrous Bravery Battle with a Mountain Lion Fremont Planting Our Flag on the Mountain Doherty's description Capture of Mexican Women Surprising the Apache Camp Carrying away the Dead Chief Attacked by Apaches Digger Indians Racing Digger Indian Women Relics of the Massacre Carson Rescuing the Lieutenant Murder of the White Family A Hair-Breadth Escape The Trapper's Camp In the Canyon De Chelly A Fight with the Navajoes Indian Medicine Dance Hon. Cody (Buffalo Bill) Staking Out Claims Stabbing of My Father Escape from a Mob To Save My Father's Life The Bull Whacker Two to One Killing My First Indian On the Overland Trail The Buffalo Stampede Holding the Fort A Horrifying Discovery Saved by Chief Rain-in-the-Face A Race for Life An Heroic Remedy Wild Bill's Duel with Dave Tutt Wild Bill Overland Stage Coach Gen. Carr A Magnificent Charge Killing of Chief Tall Bull Indians Rioting with their Spoils Last of the Buffaloes Antelope Chasing A Gory Trophy A Red Hot Situation Remains of the Buck Party Performing a Marriage Ceremony Prairie Dog Village Around the Camp-fire No Time for Looking Back Chief Spotted-Tail Grand Duke Alexis The Duke Killing a Buffalo A Wonderful Bow-shot Shaking up the Duke Scouting Among the Civilians Indian Hiding his Trail A Fight at Close Quarters Roping a Buffalo Studying the Parts Behind the Foot lights An Impromptu Performance Slaughter of Buffaloes Destroying the Telegraph The Torture Dance Last of Custer's Band Custer's Last Shot Indians Running off Stock Duel with Yellow Hand The First Scalp for Custer Scouting on a Steamboat Indian Raiders Watching the Hostiles On the Round-up Nate Salsbury Sitting Bull Capturing Bears Red Shirt Killing a Rival Our Departure for England Our First Performance War Dances Scenes in the Show The Amphitheatre Attack on the Stage Coach An Introduction to the Prince Buck Taylor Courtesying to Her Majesty The Indian Dance Giving Royalty a Spin Pin Presented by Pnnce of Wales Lassoing an Indian Lassoing Horses. There may be slight variations in foxing/toning, etc. Remember folks, this is an 1888 original.This book is 137 years old. Please be sure to add me to your List of Favorite Sellers.
Don't miss out on any of my latest listings. When you prepare your listings you generally should use only material text, photographs, etc. And trademarks/names that you created or own yourself or licensed from the owners. Item description text; lists of contents, lists of illustrations/photos; scanned images, etc.UNAUTHORIZED USE OF ITEM DESCRIPTION TEXT INCLUDING SUMMARIES OF CONTENTS, ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC.